Dear Fellow Congregant,
As you know, we will be celebrating Temple Isaiah’s 50th Anniversary from September 8, 2019 through June 13, 2020. Our committee has worked very hard to provide a variety of programs including Shabbat services followed by either a special oneg or kiddush, musical programs, dinners, brunches, and more which, we hope, will appeal to all age groups and interests of our members. We have made every effort to keep the fees for these events either free or minimal so that everyone can join us in celebrating this milestone in our congregation’s history.
In order to help us do this, we are inviting anyone who would like to help out financially to sponsor or co-sponsor one or more of our scheduled events. Download a sponsorship guide and spec sheet for more information. Your sponsorship will not only help us offer the congregation “a year to remember,” but will afford you the opportunity to place an ad or your good wishes in the Temple Isaiah 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book, plus a few other perks, determined by the category of your contribution.
We are also looking for volunteers for “hands on” help with our varied events.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Dick Goldberg (, phone # 215.592.7840) about sponsorships or Ellen Strichartz (, cell # 410.707.8817) about volunteering. Since the celebrations begin on September 8 with Isaiah Fest, a day of entertainment for all ages, we would love to hear from you as soon as possible! Thank you so much in advance.
We look forward to seeing every member of Temple Isaiah at our 50th Anniversary services and events throughout the year.
Rabbi Craig Axler
Ellen Strichartz, Chairperson, 50th Anniversary Celebration
Richard Goldberg, Co-Chairman
Marshall Kohen, President of Temple Isaiah
$3000 or more: Visionary/Chazon
$1500–$2999 Partner/Shotef
$180–$499: Friend/Chaver