It has been a year since our 50th Anniversary celebration was forced to shut down due to the COVID pandemic. We, sadly, had to put all of our many activities on hold, hoping that some day we would be able to resume planning and eventually take up from where we left off. Barring any unforeseen Continue Reading »
We are writing to provide you with an update regarding changes to some of our COVID policies, particularly for Shabbat services and summer programming. We are also excited to move along in the planning for High Holy Days 5782, and your feedback to a few survey questions will be instrumental in helping us plan for Continue Reading »
As we map out the spring and summer months, we want to share our plan for welcoming you back to our Shabbat Service and Temple programming. This is a working plan, and we will continue to make smart decisions following the science. Our COVID-19 Task Force, which includes, staff, lay leaders, and medical professionals, has Continue Reading »
The clergy is excited to welcome everyone back to participate in Friday night services this summer where we will be physically distanced but spiritually together outdoors. For those who cannot join us in person, the services will be streamed as usual on Zoom. Join us on: Fridays, August 14, 21, 28 (Family Service) and September 4 All Continue Reading »
Until it’s safe to reopen Temple Isaiah’s building and get our programming back on track, our auxiliary groups have been adding some amazing programs to the regular social and educational offerings from TI staff. The Renaissance Group and TI Sisterhood have each scheduled an evening of music, with Broadway star Josh Davis on July 8, Continue Reading »
Isaiah’s Gifts, Temple Isaiah’s gift shop, will be closed until further notice. If you have any questions, please use our Contact Form and choose ‘Gift Shop’ from the dropdown menu.