It has been a year since our 50th Anniversary celebration was forced to shut down due to the COVID pandemic. We, sadly, had to put all of our many activities on hold, hoping that some day we would be able to resume planning and eventually take up from where we left off. Barring any unforeseen Continue Reading »
In the best interest of the Temple Isaiah Community, Temple Isaiah has requested, and Toby’s has agreed, to cancel our Sunday night performance of Kinky Boots. Temple Isaiah will receive a group credit (not a refund) towards a future show at Toby’s. We have not yet determined the date or show at this time. The Renaissance 50th Committee Continue Reading »
The Renaissance Group is underwriting member tickets to see Kinky Boots at Toby’s Dinner Theater, one of the highlight events of our 50th Anniversary Celebrations! You can download the print registration form here, or register online here. Don’t miss it!