Tikkun Olam

“An old Israeli song said, “Ani Veata Neshaneh at Haolam — You and I will change the world.” It reminds us that change is possible — but only when we work together. Please join with fellow members of Temple Isaiah in the task of Tikkun Olam — repair of our broken world through Social Action.”

– Rabbi Craig Axler

At Temple Isaiah, our efforts to help “Repair Our World” involve both Social Action and Social Justice initiatives.

  • Volunteer Work: Social Action (Chesed/Tzedekah) – Temple Isaiah members are regularly involved in many Service programs, including working with Elizabeth House, DreamBuilders, Grassroots Cold Weather Shelter, Day Resource Center, Men’s Club’s annual MatzohBall 5k, Sisterhood’s Knitzvah program, Member-led projects. Learn more about each of these programs on the Social Action page.
  • Advocacy Work: Social Justice (Tzedek) – Working in conjunction with URJ’s Religious Action Center center and the Howard County Jewish Community Relations Council, Tzedek Isaiah (Temple Isaiah’s Social Justice group) is involved in a number of initiatives that help level the playing field, including racial Justice, reproductive rights, climate justice, and more.