Legacy Giving

Legacy Gift

We have been blessed with a community that supports our Temple through dues, capital campaigns, and gifts. That critical help supports our day-to-day operations but does not guarantee our future. How can you leave your imprint, a legacy for the future of Temple Isaiah and the Jewish Community that we have all worked so hard to create? We must ensure that Temple Isaiah will continue to provide for our Jewish Community so that our children, grandchildren, and generations to follow will also have the privilege to worship, learn and love at Temple Isaiah.

You can make this happen through a Legacy Gift. Include Temple Isaiah in your will, as a beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement fund, or talk with us about how you can ensure the future of Temple Isaiah for your children, your children’s children, and beyond.

With a little planning, you can make the gift of a lifetime; no gift is too small. If you have not already done so, please fill out the Legacy Gift Declaration of Intent form and mail it to me at the Temple Isaiah office.

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund was created for the purpose of providing an additional source of annual income to strengthen Temple Isaiah’s financial foundation. All financial gifts, such as yours, will provide a permanent source of support to our synagogue for many generations in the future. The principal of all gifts are held in perpetuity and only earnings are used to fund synagogue operations. As a result, a gift to the Endowment Fund endures forever. You can contribute to the Endowment Fund here

Any questions, feel free to contact me using the Contact Form (choose Legacy Giving from the dropdown menu), or call me at the office any time. 

Shelley Engel, FSA
Executive Director