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Volunteer as a mentor/tutor to children in the Howard County Public Schools. Contact Susan Burger 443.895.2457 or email.
Comfort Cases is a Rockville-based non-profit that collects new backpacks and small duffle bags, then fills them with items for youth entering foster care. Often children who are in the foster care system only have a plastic trash bag to serve as a ‘suitcase’; a packed bag with new items gives them much-needed personal belongings and lets them know that their community cares about them. Jackie Weinberg is having a “Packing Party” and is looking for new, unopened items to be donated: backpacks, small duffle bags, pajamas sizes 2T–8/10, child’s toothbrush, toothpaste, and other toiletries, coloring books and crayons, stuffed animals, and books. Please contact Jackie if you would like to donate items. Donations can be brought to TI until May 18.
Neighbor Ride provides seniors with transportation for medical appointments, social outings, shopping, faith services, and other needs. Volunteer drivers provide these rides daytimes and evenings, seven days a week. No set schedule is required of volunteers, you simply choose the rides that are convenient. Contact Roy Appletree or Susan Appletree for more information. Visit
OhanaHC empowers Howard County Students so they overcome barriers and achieve self-defined success. Our HoCo community becomes more inclusive as we build relationships with people who are outside our normal social circles. You can check out their information sessions here.
Prepare for Success (PFS) is a 23-year-old community tradition of providing school supplies to Howard County students from families with low incomes. PFS is an all-volunteer group, led by our congregants Susan & Roy Appletree. 100% of donations are directed to the students. You can learn how to make a monetary or school supply donation by clicking here.
Reward Volunteers is way to volunteer for organizations of your choosing, win prizes, and Temple Isaiah can benefit. When you set up an account at Reward Volunteers, you can log hours spent volunteering with non-profits, build up points for your time, and get even more points by getting friends to volunteer and sharing your efforts on social media. Bookmark this page to log your hours on their website to make sure you get credit for the great work you do.
Participation in the social action and advocacy programs listed here is purely at your discretion, and is in no way an endorsement of the programs or their ideals.